
There is a palpable gap between agencies that provide cookie-cutter solutions at rock-bottom rates (or fantastically inflated prices) and firms that provide top-tier packages best-suited for large companies. We are here to fill that gap, providing your medium to small enterprise with the digital foundation it needs to grow into its full potential. Whether you are a solo-preneur, a startup, or a business that is growing into bigger shoes, we are here for you to make things work.
Hapex is a made-up word. It's a combination of "apex" (the top-most point of something, like a peak or summit), and "hapax legomenon" (a term for a word that is found only once within a body of text). Hapex stands for our credo to combine and customize the best bespoke solutions for each of our clients. One business - one exclusive result.
Eugene Grabovy
Founder, Director
"I've seen not only what helps people and businesses fill bank accounts, but also what helps people get excited about Mondays and feel fulfilled on Fridays. I founded Hapex to be the stone that hits these two birds for you.
If we ever meet, I want to find out what makes your life worth living."
Igor Bazilevskii
Lead Designer
The moment when Igor first found out that it's possible to draw on a computer - he knew how his future would unfold. Starting with art school at the age of five, he has grown to be an exceptionally skilled and uncannily intuitive artist. His designs solve problems and perform a function, while (of course) looking stellar.
Alexandra Rudis
So much of what we do relies on being organized. With a background in a multitude of fields, Alexandra reins in the team with a gentle but firm hand.
Oleg Kravenkov
Senior Developer, QA Engineer